1.) Moshing is done in the "mosh pit" and consists of headbanging, body slamming, crowdsurfing, etc. This happens at rock concerts only. It tends to be dangerous but fun.

2.) Some people believe that jumping at a rock concert is considered moshing.
Everyone at the concert started to mosh.
by RockOn! September 3, 2005
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a term first coined by Vinnie Stigma to define the aggressive form of dancing first encountered on the NYHC (New York Hardcore) scene in the early 80's, which is still prevalent amongst the hXc scene today and has shit all to do with the majority of two-day faker hair-do scum-fucks out there claiming to either do, play or advocate it right now
"that emo scum fuck didn't know what hit him when he got caught in that Madball mosh pit dude"
by xdavidx April 4, 2010
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This is is the closest one here. it comes from hardcore in the early 80's. the word it self was first coined from Vinnie Stigma, March Of Skin Heads. FSU them selfs started it. NYC had the bands that started haveing breakdowns which people moshed to. it has nothing to do with shoveing people around like the metal kids think.
last night at the show i moshed into some scene kids and cracked their faces.
by Rob February 18, 2005
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A rocker dance! Shove, push, bang, jump, fall, and pick yourself up! This is usually done on a large area in front of the stage called the pit/moshpit.
An awesome way to express yourself at a metal/hardrock/punk gig/concert/show. You don't really see this happening in concerts for Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy, etc, but more towards Avenged Sevenfold, Napalm Death, etc. You get the drift. People mistake moshing as jumping/pogoing, but that is not the case. You can get your ass kicked in moshing, but the hell with that, danger is part of the fun! You got people all around you to bounce back on your feet from. THATS moshing; letting the music control your body as the audience move like energetic molecules of a gas, bouncing off each other.
"Damn, we moshed so hard to the concert extra crew members had to stand out to hold the barriers in place!"
by spungey October 29, 2007
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jumping around like a maniac in a "pit" to rock music, shoving people around and stuff, and beating the shit out of scallies
wow great song, lets mosh
by insitiona December 8, 2003
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pple mosh to heavyish music that has a good storng beat.moshing involves body-slaming and shoving others into the middle of the group of pple.the best moshers are usually tall broad guys as they can be shoved by other tall broad guys without being sent flying.to see the best capture of moshing on tape watch the video to the song'Smells like teen spirit' by 'Nirvana'.watch the audience when there standing.the roughest part is actuall moshing. moshing sounds like a dangous and pointless activity but it is actually amazing for the pple in the moshpit.dont knock it till youve tried it
watch the music videos and go to a Bullet for my Valintine consert and you will get the idea
mosher - Wall of Death - circle pit
some music videos that show moshing are:
Smells like teen spirit-Nirvana
by pombear April 23, 2006
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to jump up and down ; dance like no one is watching
will be found in action at a moshpit
by flint August 16, 2003
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