459 definitions by Rob
One that has excelled to the point of specialization at being a dork. Not neccessarily an insult, it can be a term of affection.
by Rob November 14, 2003
advertisiment + game = advergame.
typically an on-line browser based game that is branded and promotes a company, a product or service and is free to play. A fun form of permission-based advertising.
typically an on-line browser based game that is branded and promotes a company, a product or service and is free to play. A fun form of permission-based advertising.
by Rob April 19, 2004
Takes the place of any number of nouns or verbs, especially when you can't think of anything better to say. Often replaces "I am". Sometimes used to be mysterious or because the speaker does not want to reveal what he/she is talking about.
by Rob July 22, 2003
by Rob March 30, 2005
1. Someone who enjoys dumping bucketfulls of "man-juice" into their mouth 2. A slutty whore 3. An omelette containing red peppers, cilantro, and baked cod
by Rob April 1, 2003
by Rob January 12, 2004