Welcome to JB! where all the rednecks join together to fuck their sisters. Here you can buy weed, or maybe a new Juul for your troubles. You may find that there is little diversity in the students here, and most of them will say you raped them if you touch them on the thigh. You may find some individuals fingering each other in the bathroom, classroom, lunchroom, or even in the library! The football team is trash, they lost just about every game this season. Maybe you think the English teachers suck, but you should meet the math teachers. Oh yeah. Let’s not forget about the agriculture building blowing up!!
Man JB! Is really trashy
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Person 1: hey when’s JB touring?
Person 2: He started his JUSTICE TOUR a couple of days ago actually lol
by zye February 21, 2022
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A term usually used by the muslim youth in Australia, to define someone who recently has masturbated,, sexual intercourse or simple ejaculated and hasn't purified himself for religious practices. An abbreviation for the arabic/turkish word "Janabat".
No-wonder he got in trouble by his parents, he told me his been JB for three days .
by Ossie Bastard December 5, 2017
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short term for Jew Boy or Jew Bitch. someone who is tight with their money or doesn't want to share something.
"can you stop being a JB and lend me 5 bucks?" " or "quit being a JB and share your fries"
by Ralph Largo April 11, 2007
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Just Being Silly - Similar to Just Kidding JK, and Just Playing JP, with a slight tweak, where JK and JP may IMPLY anger, Just Being Silly communicates that any joking was at his or her own expense.
Example -
Prosecutor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as my witness has clearly expressed, with audio playback as proof, the defendant CLEARLY said, and I quote, "I will fucking kill you!"
Defense: Objection! Your honor, my defendant was Just Being Silly!
Judge: Order in my courtroom!

Synonym - Just Bull Shitting, not to be confused with Just Being Silly*
by rakelston September 13, 2010
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Junior box
A highly attractive underage individual
WOAH take a look at that JB...better get away from this school..


The band One Direction is full of JB's!!!
by creepasaurous rex November 3, 2010
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