Mixing painkillers and/or anti-anxiety pills with booze.
Bob always enjoys a flatline cocktail on his day off. One day he will wind up on a ventilator in a persistent vegetative state.
by kajoe December 12, 2009
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The act of leeting one's heart stop (flatlining) only to be brought back from death with CPR.
My hobby is flatlining.
by chocolock June 17, 2017
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Seeking out death or just embarrassment... Either recklessly or purposefully.
"Oh No! This dude is flatlining. Ignore him."

Becky-, "This guy is hitting on me pretty hard. Should I give him my number?
Kelly-, "He might just be flatlining. Ask him what you told him your name was."
by Someguy1984 July 6, 2018
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To have intercourse with a person in a rough, physically hurtful manner to the point where their consciousness or life is in question. An exageration of having intercourse to the point of someone dying.
I flatlined that ass so hard she was crying.
by c0d1 January 28, 2011
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The mother of all drug combinations. This is when a person takes LSD, MDMA, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, prescription opioids, prescription amphetamines (substitute for meth if you’re bummy) (or cocaine if you’re rich which you aren’t) as well as some Benadryl to kill nausea.

This combo is not meant to be attempted by anyone who isn’t a professional drug addict.

If done right the stimulating effects of the Molly, Acid and rX stimulants should completely override the sedation caused by the alcohol, Benadryl and Opioids making you feel completely sober.

Honestly you will probably overdose but think of how cool you will feel?
Friend 1: I am so high, I am candyflipping right now off of a gel tab and a Tesla pill!

Friend 2: *unresponsive*

Friend 1: I wish I was cool enough to flatline flip

Officer: What did your friend take? Be honest, we are trying to save his life?

Me: He.. He was flatline flipping.

Officer: Holy shit cool
by danasp_42 June 17, 2020
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When you’re talking to someone and your brain goes poof
Hi my name is patrick and my brain flatlining can you repeat that
by Bold-Pear904 September 14, 2019
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A group of male beings that have a love for wanking and drinking till they are completely fucked out of their minds. They aren’t the smartest of all people, they are known to make out with lizzards on the wall and get drunk until they start beating up someone. They have a soft spot for a little thing called “cactus jack”.
Man 1: hey, let’s get drunk
Man 2: no, let’s get flatliners drunk
Man 1: oh fuck
by LeG_KDOG September 1, 2020
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