An extremely common colloqulism in the UK, meaning to be extactic with ones choices and actions.
Next time you nail that presentation at work or knock a minute off your mile run, tell a friend that you’re “chuffed to the muff,” aka very pleased with yourself.
by casualuk February 6, 2022
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Matt: bro i drank to much last night i chuffed all over my gucci slides
by jiminsbabymama April 20, 2019
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The N word for Christians, resulting in a fight of slang words and possible a brawl. Stands for Christ U F#$@@#$.
"Why you talking to us, Chuf?"
"YO N#@%^, don't be calling me that SH%$#"
by Papapapapap886868 January 17, 2007
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ecstatic, exceptionally happy over something
"i see alec's chuffed to fuck" commented kevin "one of his gnomes has just come third in the Miss Dagenham competition"
"blimey kev" retorted his dad "who came 1st & 2nd?"
"Two women from Keith Davis' snooker club"
by theWestHamfan December 13, 2003
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A palm Massage of the rectum in which to remove the unworldly contents. Often sexual, this technique is primarily used for pleasure but can also relieve bowel tension.
(1)"That man is a Bum Chuffer."
(2)"She is clearly in need of the Bum Chuff procedure."
(3) "Would you please relieve my Bowels with a 15 minute Bum Chuffing?"
by Curly Crimson September 7, 2009
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Westcountry term for mammory glands.

Synonyms: Baps, tits, cottage loaves, wabs..
"Aye, she 'ad a fine pair o' chuffing noughts.."
by Esteban Lorenzo August 19, 2003
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