A feeling of total elation and happiness, for any reason. Most often people feel ecstatic at good news, as it is a breif emotion, lasting seconds or minutes at most.
The boy was ecstatic that the girl had agreed to go out with him.
The student was ecstatic, as they had just passed their exams.
The student was ecstatic, as they had just passed their exams.
by Kazeem December 6, 2007
feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
it has the same meaning with happy.
it has the same meaning with happy.
by edntsh December 27, 2017
by Nathen.v24 February 10, 2019
"I become very ecstatized when I see Dane Cook on the television."
"Tragically Hip is coming to Hamilton tomorrow and I am going to see them. Their song "Lonely End of The Rink" makes me very ecstatized!"
"Tragically Hip is coming to Hamilton tomorrow and I am going to see them. Their song "Lonely End of The Rink" makes me very ecstatized!"
by TilICollapse February 6, 2007
The surge of energy upon catching a glance from someone you like, a thrill leaving you with the desire to chase after the one you saw; also, a song by Squarepusher
The ecstatic shock I felt when we bumped into each other in the hallway is a feeling I hope never goes away.
by R3nNyx January 13, 2019
ecstatic crazy as hell
by smddunknownn March 27, 2023
Alternative to rape van.
I went to pick up my date at her parents house. They were reassured when they saw I was driving an ecstatic consent van. They knew their daughter was going out with a respectable guy.
by James Jessenfedden May 17, 2022