A womens derriere that has the shape of, and bounces like a basketball. The word is derived from the sound produced when you bounce a basketball. A case of the sound of one urban icon, naming another urban icon with similar propensities but that doesn't really make a sound.
Nice badonkadonk sista!
by maddmatt February 14, 2006
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A woman's backside that is sooo nice, just looking at it makes you go sprang.
wow did you see that badoonkadonk on that girl, that is junk in the trunk
by lemmerman May 3, 2004
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to have or posess that certain magic shizzle in the booty-izzle.
"I'm hypnotized cuz somebody's got that bo-donk-a-donk!"
by greg beast March 7, 2003
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A female's backside that is so mouth-wateringly delicious you find yourself masturbating to the image of it night after countless night; Is the ultimately highest compliment a woman's backside can recieve.
I'd like to jump into that girl's badonkadonk
by nigga May 22, 2003
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Ussually used to describe either amazing tits or booty.
Dude, check out that chicks badonkadonks!
by fatcat16 May 27, 2006
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a thick delicous booty that giggles like jello if it moves a tiny bit and it makes even gay guys drewl at the sight of it
j-lo has a badonkadonk
by john December 3, 2003
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