All the dang time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 366 days a year. Same concept as 24/7/365, but is valid every 4 years. This year you can use this term to call people out for saying 24/7/365, cause thats technically wrong :)
YAY!!!! I love being in quarantine 24/7/366!!!! It's really the best thing ever in the history of all things :) And by the way, to all the people who are saying 24/7/365, you're wrong :)
by Pialinist May 21, 2020
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24/7 hours for 365 days a year. AKA nonstop
you must work 24/7/365 to become successful
by ITgeekdoctorwho September 25, 2020
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A girl who you would do any time, any day. Period.
Natalie Portman, Kiera Knightly, and Jessica Alba are all 24/7 girls to me.
by Capt. Xanatos September 8, 2007
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An orgy that never stops or closes it goes on 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year. It goes on in a night club and different people join and leave when they want too and people pay a fee to be in it.
John went back to that 24/7 orgy again.
by Deep blue 2012 October 16, 2009
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If you use this term this year, you’re dead wrong.
Friend: I can’t wait until we don’t have to be stuck in quarantine 24/7/365. I’m literally SO over this.

Me: Did you mean: 24/7/366
by Pialinist June 11, 2020
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To shonk on basic work rights such as the office Xmas party, pencile, staples, colour printer, wall hangings.
Youse been scrooging me 24/7 - its gonna be a bleak Xmas you'all
by cecilbdaman December 2, 2004
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When two people in a non sexual way live, breath, talk, text, think, etc. each other 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and NOTHING gets in the way of it. Methods such as Facebook, Youtube, Cell Phones, Videos, Landlines, etc are used as a form of keeping in touch 24/7.
Steve is always 24/7 bromancing Jay at all hours of the day no matter where he is at, no matter what he is doing. While Steve is having sex with his wife, he stops in the middle of it and texts Jay about something, then continues the deed. This is the purest form of 24/7 Bromance.
by Jay's Number One Fanboy February 26, 2012
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