A problem, especially one encountered in large organizations, that is smaller in scale than can easily be fixed with the large-scale tools on hand, leading to great life-is-too-short frustration with one's inability to immediately solve it. For example: you need $7 more than you thought to pay for the lunch just delivered for your office meeting, which can be paid for only in cash, but to obtain petty cash you must fill out three different forms and get two managerial approvals. Or, you need to swat a fly, but all you have is a sledgehammer.
Mark: Unbelievable, I just want to put this birthday card in the outgoing office mail, but I asked Ted if it was OK, and he says I have to fill out an MC-1453 "Request for Personal-Use Policy Exception" form and get two signatures. I thought that was only for, like, taking a company car or using a conference room for some nonbusiness reason.

JoAnn: Small problem problem, dude. I'd just slip it in there and move on, life's too short.
by FitofPeak2 August 30, 2023
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Steal them? Shit, I’d give them to you for free if you asked.
Hym “Problems? What problems? I’m on top of the fucking world right now.”
by Hym Iam October 22, 2022
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Named for a town in England, a problem that occurs when internet filters block legitimate names because they contain certain combinations of letters which taken out of context can be considered obscene
Mr. Lipshitz was denied an e-mail address because of a Scunthorpe problem.

Scunthorpe and Lightwater are both towns in England that are sometimes blocked by internet search engines.



by Michael_Hunt December 19, 2008
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A problem or dilemma that, when compared to issues of poverty, national disasters and war, are not all that big of a deal, but nonetheless provide individuals with issues that must be dealt with.
Evelyn hit the Facebook friend limit of 5,000. A champagne problem for sure, but a problem nonetheless.
by sfcityboy June 5, 2011
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Long-distance lorry drivers from Eastern Europe, Belarus and Ukraine. Very limited English skills, as well as questionable driving skills at that, since most of them buy their license for a 1000 USD. Wears plastic crocs, shorts and tank-top that have never seen a washing machine. Usually drunk, so they crash into things and call it simply "problem" or "normal katastrof" since their English skills do not allow them to describe what happened.
- What the hell are you doing? You can't park here sir!
- No problem, pauza, 45 minut finish, me drive ok?
- Koleka problem...

- Who smashed the fence down?
- (points) this drunk HGV driver reversed into it.
- Kein problem, normal katastrof, call boss
by GirtekaDrivingSchool June 5, 2021
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A you problem is a problem only pertaining to one person, specifically you not me.
by Gibson150 November 9, 2014
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