A term used to describe a short exposure to heat.
Dad: the foods gone cold.
Son: don't worry i'll raz it up in the microwave
by Jamie Tittle January 2, 2009
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short for razaving
raz is like a razavong only smaller ( if that is possible)
by nobonobonobonob March 10, 2005
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Low-key or High-key flirting with someone. No one knows it's true origion. Just kinda appeared is Australia and people went with it.
Bro, James is on the raz!
Hey dude, did you hear James is razzing Sally?
by AuzzieKazza October 25, 2015
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An intense punch to the heart. This signature college Starbucks drink combines the flavor of raspberry and the incredible energy drink of Red Bull into a vital survival drink or college students. It's origination is the University of Rhode Island
Kim Jong Un do you want a Raz Bull before poli sci? I know you've already downed like 3 but c'mon, youre Korean.
by Arthak Der Manuelin October 3, 2013
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we were playing hacky sack, and Raz-Dude got raz marks on the ceiling.
by bash court April 15, 2004
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To beat up, or, contextually, to sex up.
Alexandr was so frustrated, he decided to raz up Svetlana.
by Slow Baby October 21, 2011
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