NBA Playoffs 2018: Watch Pacers vs. Cavaliers Game 7, series schedule, TV channel, online stream NBA Playoffs 2018: Watch Pacers vs. Cavaliers Game 7, series schedule, TV channel, online stream NBA Playoffs 2018: Watch Pacers vs. Cavaliers Game 7, series schedule, TV channel, online stream
NBA Playoffs 2018: Watch Pacers vs. Cavaliers Game 7, series schedule, TV channel, online stream
by NBA Playoffs April 29, 2018
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Invented by twitter user @pixelatedboat as a fake quote from the book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House " by Michael Wolff. The quote explained how in his first day in office Trump complained to White House aides that the TV in his bedroom was broken because it didn't have the gorilla channel, which Trump thought existed and only screened gorilla content 24 hours a day. So they edited many gorilla based documentaries together to appease him.

Besides it was clearly meant as satire many people took it by heart.

To watch the gorilla channel

1. Take an obvious joke as totally real
Joe- Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eat nine!
David- Why would six be afraid of anything? Numbers have no feelings.
Billy- Dude, it's a joke
Joe- Don't sweat it, he's watching the gorilla channel
by lenincarabajal January 6, 2018
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when you join a discord channel a mod comes and has 17 different mental breakdowns in the spanned of a second then will have you baned for a funny reason like No MeMeS iN gEnErAl while i am thinking ok how about in @everyone then get baned again and again
computer:user has joined your channel
computer:user was baned from your channel

me:umm im out of times i can set my clock to
by 100% a real human March 12, 2021
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What you're saying is spanish channel.
by rocknrollbuddhist February 17, 2014
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The act of taking a male's genitals in whole (Scrotum and penis) into the mouth all at once.
Jenny channel-catted me last night and it felt great!
by Echo5Hotel March 8, 2019
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The sexual act of taking a mans genitals as a whole into one's mouth.
by Echo5Hotel March 8, 2019
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