Girl who, for a mere trip to the sizzler, possibly a drink or two, will be in you bed ready to suck you off. Generally skanky, but a new level of low.
Dude 1 - How did your date last night go?
Dude 2 - Man, I was gonna take her to Olive Garden, but all I could afford was Sizzler. She turned out to be a Sizzler Bitch and I got my rocks off for 7.95!
Dude 1 - Damn, Son!
by Cloudy Joe March 12, 2009
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An individual with a propensity to be thrown headfirst into a metal air conditioning unit, splitting their head open and then crying about it.
Andy: Didn't you throw that guy into the metal air conditioning unit?
Dan: Yeah but he was a little fucky bitch.
by Solideffect November 16, 2015
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An indispensable member for any musical group, the Band Bitch is essentially the Pit Crew or Water Boy for a band. Without this selfless individual, the band would not have basic human needs met like hydration and nutrition. Good Band Bitches have an empathic quality that allows them to sense the needs of the band before they vocalize them. Rarely receiving monetary compensation, Band Bitches do things like running errands, taking photographs, collecting the band's tips or retrieving sustenance for the band out of a love for the music, the members or a particular member. Often, Band Bitches are or become romantic interests of a band member because the member realizes what a benefit it is to have such a selfless, helpful individual be your friend, lover and family. People of any age, sex or sexual orientation can be Band Bitches.
"I dedicate this Grammy to my Band Bitch- without his support this would have never been possible!"
by The DTrain November 3, 2008
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the last zombie in black opps that you dont kill so that you can fix every thing.
me:"hay Tevin weres the bitch zombie"

Tevin: "in the theather room"

me: "Oh ok i see him. He's by the mistory box..Stupid bitch zombie"
by Vilot October 21, 2011
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Also known as a she shed, opposite of a man cave. A hiding place for the female of the family and goes by several different names that change with the current attitude of it's owner.
Sheryl loves her she shed bud when she's on the rag we call it her bitch barn.
by MoFoBJ October 20, 2019
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"Can I take your --" "Shut up and give me a taco, Taco Bitch."
by milotictear November 17, 2009
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A person or group of people who are willing to do whatever is asked of them.
Roommate X: "My girlfriend and I want to have a nice dinner. Do you think you could go to the store and get us some food?"
Roommate Y: "What does this look like, a bitch parade? Go get it yourself."
by WillowAtHarvard June 26, 2011
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