a person who willingly becomes a slave to the corporate world because they enjoy getting abused and whipped by supervisors.

interns do not get paid but they do enjoy the occasional snacks brought to work by the other rich employees. (usually interns steal those snacks, therefore get whipped).

also see "office puppy"
joe: "do you need a slave?"
company: "no, we have enough interns!"
joe: "ok, call me!"
by dontdothattwice May 17, 2009
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Slavery is outlawed by numerous international treaties and a Proclamation in the United States.
by sukebe September 19, 2004
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People who are hired to do menial monotonous work that you couldn't pay people people to do long term because they would quit or eat a .45 caliber. So they hire some naive college or high school grad to do it until they give up , quit, or eat a .45 caliber.
I got for an internship by a reputable bank expecting some kind of job training or apprenticeship but instead I ended up sorting mail for 8 weeks from 8 to 5 every day
by X9001 July 11, 2008
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(1) A temporary worker who is employed to gain experiance/education rather than money.
(2) Bill's gal.
"The only thing Clinton ever fell off of was an intern."
by Cunjo July 23, 2004
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poor innocent individual starting out with a whole set of impossible goals and naive ambitions that end up crushed under the path of some self-righteous menapausal bitch that is dissatisfied with her own life and for getting an office ass and taking it out on cute young girls that might actually make something of their lives and live their dreams...and work off the constantly invading office ass
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an aspiring employee with whom you abstain from sexual relations.
i did not have sexual relations with that intern
by william_j_clinton January 5, 2011
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