This is the incorrect spelling that the cockneys made up. The correct spelling and pronunciation is charv. It originated from charver or charva which was the gypsie name (reason for big hoop earrings) for small child in newcastle {geordieland). Since the time when this was all it meant the definition of charv has changed completely.

A charv is now a person who:

If A Girl:
Wears foundation so thick it makes their skin orange
Wears large hooped earrings
Has their hair tied back so tightly that it gives them a home-made facelift
Loads of "Bling"
Usually has a pram or stroller of some sort {or a bump}{or both}

If A Boy:
Hooped Earing in atleast one ear
Walks like hes crapped himself

Wears Burberry Caps
Wears Burberry Scarfs
Wears Tog 24s, Berghaus or Fred Perry
Wears Rock Ports
Usually smokes (fags or dope)
Talk Out the side of their mouth, often missing of letters
Is usually totally mortal {or in the case of wanna-bes fakes being totally mortal i.e. Beau Jay}
Thinks they are better than everyone
Usually are on dole (not that evri1 who is is necessarily a charv)(needlessly on dole that is)

You may get the impression from this that all charvs are evil but this is not the case. There are a small minority of charvs that do actually have souls and although they are evil to most uncharv people are kind and respectful to the uncharvs (and their m8z) that they have known for a long time. Don't get this wrong though MOST charvs are evil! There are only SOME that hav souls!

If you see a charv DO NOT look directly at them they may interprete this as ainvitation for a fight.
The following onversation showsa real discussion between two normal people and three mortal charvs on the metro (both of which had flouresant orange skin:
Male Charv 1: Here man hold this beer for uz
Female Charv 1: Nah man ill get picked up for dat like
Male Charv 1: Ai well me 2 man here am gun stand dova
Female Charv 1: Ai man jus coz ur ambarrassed (laughs)
Female Charv 1: (to normal peep 1) Here av eida of u got
50p i can hav?
Normal Person 1: No Sorry
Female Charv 1: (to normal peep 2)(now slurring words) u?
Normal person 2: No soz
Female Charv 1: U betta not be lying to me
Female charv 2: Here a bet they av, bet u got loads of
Normal person 1: No we really haven't
Female charv 1: Here babe that Sharon's preggaz agen
female Charv 2: Ai a nah but that Clarise aint and she's
like 17 god she mus b gay or summit
Female Charv 1: (laughing) yeah i nah hare u person
sittin there wanna c ma wrists (shows
knuckles, unable to demtermine between
the two)(knuckles are bruised and cut
from wearing bling during punch-ups) Dya
wreckons these hurt?
Male Charv 1: Oi man shuz up 4 once!
Female Charv 1: Ai wateva! Serusly dya reckon these hurt?
Normal Peeps: Silent
Female Charv 1: R yuz scared or summit? Ha ur cheeks r
Normal peep 1 is thinking because i hav a normal skin tone and you would be this colour too if you were not covered in orange gloop (pleaz note that normal peep 1 is not saying this as she is a civilised person and would like to avoid a fight if at all possible.

(metro stops at station) (not normal peeps actual stop)

Normal Peep 2: (spoken to normal peep 2)(standing up)Erm
this is where my mate lives so this is
our stop
Normal Peep 1: Oh rite of course
Female Charv 1: R I bet they jus scared of uz (laugh)
don't get off cos of us
Normal Peeps, now at a safe distance as the metro pulls away: U mite wanna wash that crap of ya face!!!
Charvs: (face screws up and bangs on window)
Normal Peep 2: Time to home i think

{soz it ses i hav 2 rite that in the example}
by Jen the best April 8, 2006
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Chav can be a noun, verb or an adjective. As in “you shitty scum chav”, or “Hey I like the way you have chavved up ya car/wardrobe/lifestyle/language” etc.

The origins of the word itself are unclear and there are a few theories, perhaps all of them correct. Nonetheless, the current criteria for being a chav applies as laid out in this dictionary and no doubt, as culture dumbs-down even more, the definition will need to be updated. Chavs will no doubt eventually, despite their in-bred lack of intelligence, cotton-on to the fact that burberry and it’s current associations foster great hatred and negativity amongst the majority of the population. This factor however, could backfire, as Chavs could consider the perpetuation of hatred and negativity as a great contribution to humanity, even if it is directed towards themselves from others.

The most recent example of a celebrity Chav is Kenzie in Big Brother. (I can’t remember the name of the boy-band he is in – so uncool – but I know it had the word “Crew” or “Squad” whatever, in the name). In fact, Kenzie actually said “no” initially to being in the BB house, but when he thought long and hard about it, decided to say yes as the word “brother” as in, “bruv-va” or “bruv” for short, sounded cool and he thought it would really do wonders for his street-cred. Kenzie is actually white, but to see his clothes and hear him speak, you would think he is black.

Chavism represents a cultural link with the Trailer Park Trash in The States which is actually a sub-culture of black America. They both inspire each other. The lower the common denominator they appeal to, the cooler they are! Both of these cultural factions are represented by the highly evolved people picked to appear on the “Jerry Springer” show. Due to the speed of the transmission of information in modern times ex. Internet, TV etc, cultures very quickly pick up bits from other cultures, bounce off each other, and this happens at such a rate that no-one exactly knows who originated what. But as society has evolved, and that is the key word, “evolved”, chavism did not happen overnight but evolved as culture dumbed-down and it became clear that it was not “cool” to aspire to anything other than basic animal appetites (for junk food, sex, cheap bling etc). Perhaps devolved is a better word!

Jordan is the ultimate aspiration of female Chavs. She is actually much more stupid than the average Chavette which is why they (chavettes) admire her so much. She is actually now trying to pull herself out of the Chav-pit she has made for herself by writing a book about herself, no doubt mostly really ghost-written by someone else, paid for from the proceeds of all the modelling jobs she has done which evolve around her flubber-inflated chest (but isn’t she a great business woman- fuckin what?), and is trying to appear in “serious” programmes such as Book Award Ceremonies. Unfortunately, she is still seriously boring as she has neglected her mind in favour of her chest , hoping that the more silicone she has pumped into those tits, the more self-esteem and intelligenceshe will attain and therefore rather than work hard and learn, just go see the surgeon again. Easy!! Her tits have now become self-funding entities (get it?) in their own right.

So my good friends, that is my input.
Chavette 1 - I nikked dis 'ello mag from da doc''s got Jordan and Peter pics innnit!

Chavette 2 - wikked innit....didja get ya tablets sorted for dat smell cumming from ya minge?
by MissyM May 1, 2005
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Somone who thinks their "tough as" but are usually seen crying because someones said something about their mum.

They are seen wearing branded sports ware, hoodies, track suit bottoms, "bling", cap, and the chavettes carry knock off handbags like "Channel" and "D&G", short skirts (with curry stains on them) high heels, huge hooped earings that are big enough for Dolphins to jump through, and hoodies (taken from their ex partners).

Usually hang outside take aways like Mc Donalds and Burger king, Parks, and on the streets.

Chavettes are mainly fat and get pregnant at the age of 12 and by the age of 20 end up with 14 kids with names like Mercedes, Roxy, Brooklyn, Lambrini, Cherri, Chantelle, Preston (seen as a classy name for a baby chav), Klloee (Like Chloe), Clayton, Paris, Whitney, Chardonnay, Kandi, and Bentley
Chav: Awright baybe. How'z about we goes get a kabab and go clubbin'?

Chavette: Oi fuck aff! Ya know they wont let me in tha clubs, am only 14. Plus am feedin' for 2 now, go get me a large kabab.

Chav: Yahh awright. Oi! Lambrini get aurf that fuckin' dog!

*Baby chav Brooklyn pee's on carpet*

Chavette: Fuck me! Put 'im outside would'ya?

*Chav picks up baby and put's him in the garden. It is night time*

Chav 2: Ay! Look oo' it iz blud! *gives baby bottle of beer*

Chav: C'mon baybe. Letz go out "n" get pissed.

Chavette: Fyne! Put that Cbeebies on for em. That'll keep em' entertained. Fuck! That Tam keeps sendin' me textes (chav word for text) sayin' I stole 'er babeh (chav word for baby)
by Kumii September 22, 2009
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chavs are mongs, who try to act hard in front of people in thier little chavy gang outside McDonalds. But when they are on thier own in a fight, they run away!! stupid chavs!
''im a chav and im well hard. Lets go and steal a balloon from McDonlads,then we will be cool''

''lets go into the toilets in there aswell and graffiti, because we are well cool!''

''we are such chavs!''
by dollard August 5, 2006
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The Chav is a rare breed of imbecile who communicate to each other through incomprehensible grunts.
They can usually only be fully understood by other Chav's and will rarely acknowledge anybody in a friendly manner out of their own 'crew' with anything other than a firm nod and the occasional "rate" as if to ask the recipient if they are "alright today".
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Females Chavs:

Insist on wearing giant hoop earrings of a colossal size made out of some cheap gold equivalent that turns their skin green.
Their necks accommodate the dreaded "Sovereign" necklace with an engraved picture of someone that they actually know nothing about.
They like to wear velvet tracksuits consisting of pastel shades usually with some kind of untrue motif on the back stating something like "Princess Forever".
They have not done their make up correctly unless their face is a ghastly shade of orange which makes them look like they've been spawned by two Umpa-Lumpa's from Mr Wonka's chocolate factory.
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Their hair is usually one of three styles:

1/. Scraped back into a ridiculously tight pony tail and secured with 10 thousand scrunchies.
that went out with the Spice Girls. They then finish the common female 'Charver Barnett' by using 5 cans of cheap sticky hair spray to turn their fringes into a rock.
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2/. They sometimes claim to have gone to Tony & Guy for a hair cut even though everyone around them knows that they are a crappy liar because of 2 things:

a/. Their Dole money won't cover a hair cut in that place unless their kids are fed on 9 pence baked beans out of the tin.. AGAIN.

b/. Their hair looks like they used the bathroom bleach on it religiously everyday for the past year. It resembles the straw from Farmer Briggs field that they walk past on their way to the Post Office to cash in their Dole Giros.
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3/. As flat as a 5 year old's chest with nasty cheap highlights in.. Clearly they wait until they acquire a little sun and then drench their hair with lemon juice and wait for the awful Halloween horror effect to set in.
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Female Chav's have adopted the habit of getting Medusa's (a kind of lip piercing) only instead of wearing nice little silver balls they think it looks attractive to wear whopping great faux gold ones that look like nasty spots pussing.
Of course they have to put up any spots/zits they receive as Boots the Chemist finally wised up to bottles of Oxy going missing and finally added store alarms.
They qualify for free things like achne specialist stuff but the doctors got so tired of the constant visits from the 18 year old mother with 5 children that they got kicked off the panel.
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Male Chavs:

Usually find it 'cool' and 'hard' to wear a small gold hoop in their ear or sometimes a small 'blinging' diamond.
They wear huge, thick fake gold chains as if trying to pull off that 'Mr T' look.
They too, are fond of wearing tracksuits like their female counter-parts only it is of major significance that the sport name logo or trade mark is showing to demonstrate to OTHER Chav's how much of their 'well ace' Dole was spent this month.
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Their hair is usually one of two styles:

1/. The classic skin head 'I'm well hard' look.. Sometimes sporting some kind of bizarre shaven lines in random patterns forming their favourite football team or the Addias symbol etc..
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2/. Short and with lot's of 45 pence gel spiking it up.
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Male Chav's like to adorn themselves with anything that they think might have the ability to make them look toughened.
A fine example of this is the way they tilt their caps (usually burberry) to a high angle as they believe this increases their style of trying to be obdurate.
It actually just makes them look like a twat although they are too dense to see this.
They are very competitive in the world of racing other Chav's in seeing who can keep their trainers in the most immaculate 'Snow White' condition, or who can show the most Adidas stripes.
It is of uber importance that their tracky bottoms are tucked into their socks as some kind of social trade mark of acceptance within the Chav mainstream.
You will usually hear them say something a long the lines of "Wot da fook u lukin at" and "Ya fookin startin? I wil bang yaz out innit"
This normally translates to "Excuse me friend, but are your eyes appearing in my general direction? I would very much like you to avert them as I am terribly afraid of anything 'different'.." and "Although you have actually said nothing, I perceive a slight movement from your head as a signal for me to open my mouth and utter wasteful words upon you. I will not actually physically assault you myself, what I actually mean is I will round up 10 of my cretinous buddies and I will let them intimidate you and do my donkey work for me".
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So yes, I conclude that the 'Chav' is just an uninformed, unintellectual waste of human life.
They continue to produce more offspring which will grow up to be as simple-minded as the previous futile generation. They will grow to be Dole fodder or if they're lucky.. Maybe acquire work in a fast food place. FOREVER.
Their aspirations and dreams consist only of purchasing the next ugly gold chain from the market or buying more cigarettes from the local corner shop.

They cost us time, tax and tears yet do not show any thanks except only to waste more of our time and so-forth. Anything that is remotely 'different' to them or considered as being a 'minority' is automatically WRONG in their eyes.
They are ignorant and close-minded because they lack the capacity to understand anything else beyond their own moronic world.

They are NOTHING.

by PeggyLuXXX January 25, 2007
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Chavettes (female species if you already didnt know) are summed up perfectly by the one & only Mat Lucas in "Little Britain"

Two words- Vicky Pollard!!

"I Din Do Nuffin!!"
"If anywun wants sum stuff nickin jus let me no!!!"
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Chavs in short are utter cunts with lack of self respect.
I'm chav dan safe blud.

Respect to all de rest of da chavs massiveeee
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