A massage given by an asian at a massage parlor that includes a spunk spurting. The massage giver squeezes your dick or gives a penis pump to the point of ejaculation. It is customary during almost all massages given by females to their male client. They may or may not ask for an agreement on tip before giving it.
Rack nems: yo dawg we going to the asian Pp massage place tonight?

Stanley anderson: Ya brah, that girl Miwa game me a huge penis pump last time and i blasted her with my baby batter.
by May 15, 2022
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A massage given by an asian at a massage parlor that includes a spunk spurting. The massage giver squeezes your dick or gives a penis pump to the point of ejaculation. It is customary during almost all massages given by females to their male client. They may or may not ask for an agreement on tip before giving it.
Rack nems: yo dawg we going to the asian Pp massage place tonight?

Stanley anderson: Ya brah, that girl Miwa game me a huge penis pump last time and i blasted her with my baby batter.
by May 15, 2022
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Friend: Hey buddy, how are we feeling?
You: I want a Lego Foot Massage
Friend: Gosh Diddly Dang
by soupylego August 15, 2021
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When two individuals embrace in a hug and then show mutual appreciation by beginning to rub each others back semi erotically.
*after a long day at work* Man, I could really go for a mattlee massage right now!
by Traumallama September 14, 2022
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Ass Kicking Ball Massage,A.K.B.M
Her head game was on point, but when she started rubbing my balls,I could only concentrate on the ass kicking ball massage
by Captain haha August 12, 2021
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1. Joe's price of admission into a cult.
2. Andrew's second income.
I'll take another Iraqi Massage please. Its lonely and I need to get the sand out of my peen
by BackwardsRetard April 13, 2023
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