Hamster: A partialy filled beer found left over after a party.
Often times inebriated people will misplace their beer and
simply grab a fresh one out of convenience rather than search for their own.

A half leftover beer drank in desperation.
Who in the hell left all these Goddamn hamsters?
by zeprider1 August 31, 2009
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Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
by llamanator October 11, 2004
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When a person or company tries to get out of a situation, by finding a loophole to get through, or coming up with some kind of bullshit excuse.
Much like a hamster tries anything to escape its cage.
Damn insurance company is hamstering out of paying me.
by oknowpublishthis March 2, 2008
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a rodent who likes to leave their garbage lying around on the floor
by summmmerrrlove October 6, 2010
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Hamster is a code word for black people for when they are around but you feel like talking about them anyway.
*Asian walks into store* "Gosh, look at the hamsters!"
by UhhYeahhiGetcha July 6, 2010
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