(A girl lies about going with a whole bunch of boys)
Female: She dirty!
Female 1: I'm famous all you hoes thinking of me
Female 2: You dirty! Nobody dont even like you.
Female: She dirty!
Female 1: I'm famous all you hoes thinking of me
Female 2: You dirty! Nobody dont even like you.
by kween980 April 5, 2010
An insult after you completely wreck someone. Can also be said as "You just got did dirty" It could be as simple as winning rock-paper-scissors, or as complex as beating someone in Madden. Said enough times in sequence and it can really be annoying.
Jimmy: Broh, I'm gonna score a Touchdown on this play!
Ron: Shut up, no you won't.
Jimmy: I told you I would! I just did you dirty right there.
Ron: Shut up, no you won't.
Jimmy: I told you I would! I just did you dirty right there.
by GulleyBreeze October 17, 2010
If you are being sneaky and flirty you are a dirty Dawg! Some what like you slimey Dawg but better to say
by UrMomExpress August 9, 2022
by rahel carter September 11, 2017
When ever you call somebody a dirty chicken nugget your saying that there being a bit annoying but in a funny way.
by Fis pag June 22, 2020
by bromandudebro April 12, 2011
by bromandudebro April 12, 2011