I'm low on scoots, That takes scoots,
by Anonymous November 9, 2003
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Anybody that sucks at something or lacks a lot of skills; loser; scrub
"Ya'll suck. Ya'll some scoots." or "SCOOOOOOOT!!!"
by up_likewhat April 28, 2009
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To move quickly, esp in fleeing or escaping.
When they saw the cops they scooted right out of there.
by Cat July 3, 2003
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Verb: describes when a dog rubs its dirty anus along the carpet to dislodge clagnuts. See also scoot ass.
We will have to train Rover not to scoot in the lounge before we buy new carpet.
by Dan Fox June 25, 2003
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a new and better version of "see you later alligator",
the official reply is "toodaloo kangaroo"
Bob: it's late I'm finna get going

Fred: ok, scoot scoot bandicoot

Bob: toodaloo kangaroo
by _7H0M45_ December 14, 2017
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Another word for semen originating from a small town called Perth situuated in the heart of Scotland.

Also used as an insult to somebody
"oh my god Dave just scooted all over me"

"oi you ya scoot! you better get lost before i scoot all over you.
by thommyd01 December 2, 2011
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A fat lazy person. Will probably end up living in a trailer and not cleaning due to his failure as a guitarist. A scrub.
"Hey Scoot, show me your guitar skills"
by Fatty McFattits November 28, 2009
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