Affectionate name given to a person with only one tooth.
Look at Jed with his lonesome tooth, he could stab a pickle right out of the jar with that tooth, he's a top class Pickle Stabber.
by Surebrec November 24, 2009
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The stabbing of one's shit by another man's erect genitalia via the exit pipe
Ste: "Chris can I poke your bum hole?"
Chris:"But you might stab some of my shit!"
Ste: "You didn't mind last time"
Chris:"I did - it got a bit messy"
Ste: "Shit sorry I thought you were asleep."
by Ste April 6, 2003
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1. One who stabs poo
2. One who stabs poo in the act of anal sex.
3. One who stabs poo in the act of male/male gay sex.
by Beavis H. Christ June 29, 2003
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Geordie slang for a male who enjoys making love to another mans rectum whilst penetrating excretion.
There is no doubt about it he is a 100 per cent cacky stabber
by krissy the pissy March 4, 2015
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Roberto was a real gash stabber when he penetrated Alysha's lady garden with all his might.
by Nayataan January 15, 2015
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1) Any induvidual who enjoys performing the act of anal sex by exploring the cave of the unknown with his penile probe. See also ass spelunker
Whoa man, that Mario is such an ass stabber. He just loves to stick his johnson up the hershey highway.
by Sunny G September 16, 2005
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a "friend" who seems to be your "friend', but really they are not your "friend", in most occurences one find out that they friend is a backstabber when they see or hear there friend committing an act of cruelness towards you, when they think that you will never know what they did/ and or said about you.
i was board out of my mind wacthing old tv shows when i called up my "friend" to see if they and some of my other "friends" would go see a movie with me. but they were already watching a movie with all of my other "friends" without even inviting me or telling me about it.
by how can u live like that nc January 9, 2005
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