by wordmaster1077 April 7, 2019
affectionation is the act of giving someone oodles and oodles and oodles of affection. synonyms - affection saturation
gosh, i just wish to give him/her a sweet dose of affectionation.
that firefighter and nurse couple are so sweet... they are the affectionationators
that firefighter and nurse couple are so sweet... they are the affectionationators
by tellytube June 22, 2010
a term used to specify words associated with negative connotations are meant in a positive light. rather than an insult, they are a compliment. the opposite of the term (derogatory).
by quirky_girl_69 July 9, 2021
1) Pronounced affection-eight-ing
A kiss may just be a kiss but to affectionate someone is something more
A kiss may just be a kiss but to affectionate someone is something more
by Mangles September 20, 2005
Used to describe one who is highly-susceptible to receiving another's affection. Flexible people have the greatest likelihood of being affectionable.
by Mr. Donald Draper November 30, 2015
it is a noun that is the act or almost the action of being affectionate. since the english language does NOT include such word, i myself decided to create this unique yet simple word with a one of a kind yet eazy to understand definition!
by Timothy Dork December 22, 2004
A type of relationship characterized by long, flirty conversations, "dates", make-out sessions, and/or sexual activity, but completely devoid of commitment or attachment.
E didn't want an intense boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, so we decided to be just affectionate friends
by TheForbiddenFruit October 30, 2006