A name which can be a woman's or a man's name. Sloan's may have their names on urinals and toilets but they are sensitive, caring, and nice to those around them.
"Gotta love him..his name is Sloan,"
by Samantha8783478473 February 7, 2010
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A Wrexham word meaning flamboyant and over the top. Being outwardly camp
I cant believe your calling him a flamer when you are such a sloan
by BershamBackdoor May 21, 2012
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(v.) to drop an object at a vital time.
The doctor accidently sloaned the baby and watched it hit the floor.

Did you see him totally sloane that disc?
by flyme August 4, 2008
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A gorgeous, insanely intelligent LADY.

Although she appears on the urinals of many toilets across America, don't forget, she has a cell phone:D go ahead! text her while you're uhm. Just text her the next time you think of her!

Also, she is most definitely not a man.
Ehem, thank you.
W: *looks at urinal* *pulls out his phone*

texts: Hey sloane!

S: texts: Hey what's up?
W: texts: Just peein ^^ you?
S: texts: -awkward silence- uh cool.
by 1% May 24, 2009
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I Sloaned a phone on Toutatis. Damn backwards launches.
by DrossPedantic July 7, 2023
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Sloan is overall so beautiful and my best friend. she's really serious in important times but can be really energetic and the life of the party. Sloans are mostly short but some of them could be tall but not my sloan haha shes so short lol. She has a beautiful style and wears a lot of creative jewelry and i love every single outfit she wears. don't backstab her she will get her revenge and you will not like it.
Adam: omg i love sloan shes so beautiful
Jack: im so jealous she could never like someone like me
by cylovesherself June 5, 2023
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(Sloan's) are amazing people, usually, and girls name, Sloan's are kind, loving, grateful, and most of all a amazing partner in love life. never let (Sloan's) go, always keep them close
by shmoop.ca January 3, 2020
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