A red, disgusting, smelly substance
Girl1- Oh dang, I got Joe.

Girl2- Oh I just had Joe the other day, I wont have Joe again for a month.
by ~~~anonymous~~~ May 4, 2008
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A fat ass mutherphucker that sucks camel dick and has a manjina. Melests little boys and tries to hit on the uglyest girls, JOE is a complete asswhipe!!!!!!!
Poop on joe.
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When a person is led to believe that they are in some way more superior to everybody else. Pride is fine up until a point, but as soon as you believe that you are in some special way better than everybody else, you become a dickhead.
Anyone who thinks they are better than someone else based upon superficial factors
person or animal who thinks they are above the rest, but who should really take a dose of their own shit
joe is being such a stuck up if she thinks she gonna get with my man uh uh pick a number and get in line bitch!

by joe harman March 9, 2008
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guy who takes it up the rear so much that they're arse has fallen off, can also be used as the verb to catch an STI off of a pirate
that joe just joed so hard, he died
by theultimatemanofmangosand April 28, 2008
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MAY mess around with girl's heads. He tells 3 lasses he likes them and then denies it and slags each one of the lasses off to the other. JOE MAY think he has all the lasses, but he really doesn't. He does a lot of moshing and he has long black hair in the style of a side fringe.
Oh my god! That dude is a player, he must be called Joe.
by Eleanor__Bieber February 8, 2012
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A man who thinks the sun rises and sets with his dick. Although, he does know how to use it, lacks in many other trades in the bedroom. You probably won't be able to carry much of a conversation with him, due to his lack of intelligence and abundance of immaturity.

You may look at him from a distance and say, "Yeah, I could fuck him," but once you actually try and vocalize an intrest you automatically bail because you realize that you would rather have sex with the 500 lb man standing next to him WITH a personality. You might think that this is a well rounded person, loves his parents, goes to college, plays sports, but the only thing that is well-rounded about him is the size of his penis. But even his penis lacks in personality 90% of the time.

He thinks he is a hardass and will talk a lot of shit, but when a confrontation arises he backs down like a pussy (which he has no clue how to eat). He is scared of commitment, and will treat you like you should give a damn what he says, and that you should do what he tells you, when he tells you. He basically presents a relationship (with a douche-bag) without actually stating that you are in a relationship. He will question you about everything, but Hell-to-the-no will you ask him anything. I often think about him when I am super horny, but then I realize how stupid that thought was and how much I would rather use my dildo. Even my vibrator has a better personality.
girl1: I wish the conversation could have been atleast equivalent to the sex
girl2:really? Why?
girl1: I just feel like I am ready to have someone that doesn't treat me like a whore
girl2: ugh, well you will never get that from a Joe.
by charmer87 February 7, 2010
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Don't be such a Joe on the Distant Planet map in Super Smash Bros
by joehater December 26, 2013
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