Every video is an exercise in bringing people on to affirm your theory of the universe.

Dr Prophet JeepJorp “So what you’re saying is... And tell me if I’m wrong here... I’m right. I’m my world view, I mean. I’m right. About everything! Jung was wrong. You have a responsibility to others that I fulfill by doing whatever I want and like Moses I am a God to the Pharaoh... I’m... I’m better! Better than everyone! You need to do what I say because you can’t control your own mind! You can’t even understand your own mind! Only I can do it for you! ME! MEEEEEEE!!!”
Dr. Jewden “You’re absolutely right! That’s exactly what I was trying to say! You’re right! And Hym doesn’t need to say whatever comes into his mind at any time. Why? Because your thought is pollution and needs to be mediated by Dr. Jeepjorp (under threat of violence)! The public discourse NEEDS to be controlled! But not by the woke leftist. By us! We need to control it! The only way for you to live a meaningful life is for you to be controlled by us! Don’t you see!? Dr. Peepeestones was right all along! About everything! Because in the same way that a whore doesn’t need to fuck a retard, you don’t control of your own life. He’s not a charlatan! It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t believe in God! You need to do what the book says! And I’ll just keep doing whatever I want... regardless of what the book says! Don’t you see!? It’s better this way! It NEEDS to be this way! For everyone! Always and forever. So the Jews don’t get holocausted again... for trying to do the thing I’m trying to do... Er... I mean not that! Ignore that! I didn’t say that! No one has ever said that and no one should EVER say that again. No should they be allowed to... because you don’t need to... what you need... is to remain in your solipsistic bubble until I say that you deserve an elevated status... then, like me, YOU can become a God to Pharaoh... This is the only way!”

Dr. Professor God “So what you’re saying is...”
by Hym Iam November 14, 2022
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Anyone with the name:

- Jeremiah
- Nicholas

- Ian
- Matthew
- Jon

- Ben

- Josh
- Dimitri
Josh is So Devious
by futfeddish September 17, 2023
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When someone of an age that would imply they had some level of maturity, (ex. 25 and up) says/does something completely juvenile.

Someone out of college age who should have their lives together but doesn't, that critisizes others of a younger age (18-23ish) for being immature or "highschool-ish", when THEY are the one whose life is going nowhere.

Brought on by the stupid childlike behavior of people who should be mature adults, yet choose to act like idiots. Used mostly in South Texas.
I know Mark is 26 years old, but he is such a little kid. Mark would be considered, 'so 28'.
by Brynnaa March 31, 2006
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Justin So is a cool kid that has the brain
Oh hey do u like Justin So
No, i Dont because my name is miguel
by diaperboobooeggshijustin June 20, 2022
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Basically being a Britney is like so Britney, only the Britniest Britney could understand so if you’re not a Britney just don’t…
That’s so Britney gurl..
by Marthuzala February 23, 2022
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Omg Domily is the best they are so cute together. They're going to be boyfriend and girlfriend and fuck eachother everyday because Amjaaiwnbsajs.
by FortniteScammyBoi November 17, 2018
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Some add you will see on different kinds of websites. It’s clearly trying to make you horny. So you can click it.
What? how is it so big? Bitch I don’t know.
by Purplegreek August 8, 2022
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