The thing you think of when you hear anything.
Teacher - "Tango"

Student - "Critical Bassline!"
by Ublind February 14, 2012
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when two people get bored, call most of thier friends who they know will not pick up, then critize their voicemail. . then measure it on a scale from one to ten (one being the lowest and ten being the highest)
my friend and i became voice mail critics
by margarita mckenzie June 10, 2009
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Teacher:”tell the rest of the class something about yourself”
Student:”uh well, i’m pretty criticative
by October 25, 2020
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the meme: critical shit, where the the soldier from team fortress 2 screams, with a horribly misfigured mouth, and flames coming out of his eyes
have you seen this meme?
it's called critical shit
by direct crit October 20, 2023
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being too lazy to nut into a sock, tissue or even your hand, resulting in you nailing yourself in the face.
Never spray 'n pray, its not worth a critical misfire
by fagmaster69696969699696420 March 11, 2021
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Weird and terrible ways to make fun of someone
He's a person most likely to use Unusual Criticism.
by ugeeth October 3, 2021
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