Limpia la casa holiday (stands for clean the house holiday) is celebrated on 28th of December where you and your family get together to clean the whole house together and have fun. This is something you do everyday but to make it better a holiday was made to clean your house.
Hey mom! Today is Limpia la casa Holiday!! Let’s get together and clean the house.
by Miami international December 28, 2021
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Your final words after successfully seducing your husband’s boyfriend’s killer and unbeknownst to him have hidden a package of C4 in your pussy/ass.
Husband’s BF’s Killer: H-how come I can’t go any deeper?
You: Hasta La Vista, Dipshit!
*Fucking Dies*
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a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes, but had to suck a ridiculous amount of dick to get to their position.
Wow! Joel just became an LA Detective? I should buy him some mouthwash as a gift.
by axis32 April 17, 2023
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When someone is out galavanting around at all hours of the night doing things they shouldn’t be doing and lying/backstabbing their significant other instead of acting like an adult and keeping their significant other in the loop and letting them know what’s really going on.
Well unfortunately Lonnell is out tra-la-la-ing again. You would think he would have learned his lesson by now that tra-la-la-ing behind my back is a terrible idea since I literally snap the f**k out on him when he does that disrespectful, sneaky bullshit.
by creatorofquinn January 22, 2021
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non existant person whose meaning references feeling like shit
work isnt an option today i feel like doo doo la roo
by pooptooth#1 September 19, 2012
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a sadness caused by dread of something inevitable
She felt J NO LA when she realized that her evil stepmother would be there.

He J NO LAED when he thought about Monday.

We all J NO LA sometimes.
by Carl Jackboxxx August 12, 2023
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