When feelings for a woman increase and you have sex with her. -At least a half-chub is necessary.
I was right in the middle of the whoopie with some chick, and then my roommate walked in and screwed it all up.
by Tha Muffin Man April 17, 2010
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Exclamation declared when one produces the ingredient for the delicious center of an infamous Whoopie Pie.
Once the chocolaty exterior of his Whoopie Pie and been baked, Colton went to supply the key ingredient, and his roommates heard "Whoopie!!!"
by JoePops February 15, 2012
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A large square fleece or nylon like blanket that is issued to a soldier and is considered his/her best friends through basic, and field training.
Drill Sgt-Raise up your Whoopie and place it in your rucksack.
by KahDot17 May 14, 2009
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Anal sex. Makin whoopie...anally.
While hiking at the local park, I came across two fags having anal whoopie in the bushes.
by Briney Hiney July 8, 2016
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To act as Whoopi Goldberg would in any given situation.

For further clarification on how to pull whoopis and recognize when whoopis are being pulled, please watch the following films and comercials: Ghost, Sister Act, and 1 in 3 like me (light bladder leakage).
Look over there! He's running with a fanny pack! And look! She's running in a habit! Everyone's pulling whoopis today!

Person 1: I just pulled a whoopi.
Person 2: How so?
Person 1: I just spritzed. I've been leaking for years!

The following statements are considered examples of pulling a whoopi: "Molly, you in danger girl," "Can I keep this pen?" and "I signed the wrong name... can I have another?"
by isignedthewrongname July 19, 2010
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When you are doing anal and "the butt" makes that loud flapping noise
Where is the Craziest place you've made whoopie? -Kevin Malone
by Sewerhobo69 November 15, 2016
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Basically, Your penis. Reference from the Bloodhound gang's song "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo".
"Vulconize the whoopie stick in the ham wallet."
by Srgtmuffdiver February 10, 2007
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