An erect penis.
see also boner,stiffy etc.
'When Bob saw Jenny by the pool in her bikini he got a big Hard-On'
'When my dog licks my balls i get a Hard-On'
by Disturbed1 November 23, 2003
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agreeing with what someone has to say....
yeah hard
by yord May 22, 2011
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Man's most magnificently majestic manifestation of masculinity, and the one potentially most exciting to a woman. It looks like a rocket ready to be launched, and has the same turbulent thrusting force and energy.
It signals to a woman that a guy is ready and able to have sex with her and eager to do so, which, if she finds him attractive, tends to kindle her interest. For that reason, it is a serious though common mistake for a guy to be embarrassed or self-conscious when he has an erection.
Freshman year, after pulling an all-nighter, I stripped and got in bed, only to wake a half hour later with an urgent need to piss. I got up without waking enough to know I was naked, much less that I had wood, and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Only as I walked past the open door of another room down the hall and saw a woman grad student staring at me with wide eyes did I look down and see I was sporting the most giant hard-on I'd ever seen in my life. Afterwards, she kidded a male grad student we were both friends with that I had a better body than he did. He replied, "You've seen more of it than I have."
by Adam Phillips August 19, 2006
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The most ultimate factor of cool.
the level of which a "harding" is awesome, is not measureable.

Can also be used as an sarcastic insult, stating that the subject is not cool.
No example needed.
When You meet a "harding" you will know

(sarcastic use)
TK: Dude, i just finished all my homework!
Einar: Whoa, you are such a harding...
by Harding-gut112 August 8, 2008
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I made Victor hard when we had that hot one night stand.
by Stacy July 27, 2006
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adj. Good looking, cool, tight, great
1. DAMN! Those new AF1's are hard as hell.
2. She look good. She hard
by E-Thug February 11, 2003
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An erection of the penile variety. Can i say erection on the internet?
Oi, cowboy from the village people! Did the leather man give you a hard on?
by Tom Brownlee July 30, 2003
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