The sexual act of ripping your own penis off, or if it was ripped off beforehand, and (with power and effort) inserting it into your anus until it is lodged in completely and cannot be removed.
Dude, sorry if I am sitting funny I totally crunkle dorfened last night and I haven't taken a shit yet so it's still in my ass.

Fuck bro! I crunkle dorfened like a week ago and now all of my shit was building up in my ass and I totally had a volcano eruptanus this morning!
by CreatorAnym December 3, 2018
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An African American male who participates (in any way) in the crunkcore scene.
"Bro, did you see all of those crunkle toms in that Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend video?"

"I sure did, man. What a bunch of race traitors."
by Hippie Crusher 666 March 22, 2017
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Something that is so badly wrinkled that it is beyond crinkled, creased or crumpled that it's a combination of all three
That blouse is so crunkled an iron can't even make it straight
by CrawfordMurphyMagic March 20, 2022
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The dipping of sweaty wet balls, in another mans gaping ass hole. This is done repeatedly, so It makes a sloshing wet slurping noise.
Hey Mat, yesterday I gave Tod a Crunkle Dunk, his asshole is still sopping wet from my sweaty balls.
by Strikegold August 24, 2021
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A homosexual individual of a highly masculine nature. This individual is often French. Gay lord
Me: “Seb you’re a crunkle knunkle!!”
Seb (raising a cudgel above his head): “Don’t talk shit you pasty white fucker!! I’ll kill you and your whole redneck family!!”
by Darood McSansterm June 6, 2018
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A crunk uncle, everyone has one.
"Who's that man by himself in the corner eating a raw hot dog?"
"Oh that's my Crunkle Keith"
by Cardi P September 10, 2018
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A strange or obscure sound that creates a crackling and crunchy noise like the sound of my Kia Soul being crushed by a tractor.
by /v/-tan September 25, 2022
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