A combination of the words "too" and "bad". Means "too bad".
"You just spilled my juice!"
"Toobs, dude."
by Sonalyka February 11, 2006
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very selective name for a fat ass with a fat head. shorter version of a sausage toob, the rolls on a fat persons head look like a sausage toob.
Hey look at that fat ass, his head looks like a sausage toob.
by dewade123 November 15, 2009
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1. The male penis. 2. The television.
"Sally laid a hummer on my toob the other night while I was watching the toob."
by Anonymous December 5, 2002
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Toobin was Toobing when he thought his work team wasn't watching.
by Docked in the Keys October 20, 2020
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v. Masturbating while on a Zoom call with your coworkers (ie Jeffery Toobin)
Anderson: Why are Jeff's pants down during this zoom meeting?

Don: Oh, I think he's just Toobing again.
by bueygrande October 30, 2020
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noun. the name for a large inner tube that is used to float down a river or in a lake, usually from the tire of an 18-wheeler

verb. to float down a river or in a lake using a large inner tube, usually from the tire of an 18-wheeler

toobing- adj. the act of floating down a river or in a lake using a large inner tube, usually from the tire of an 18-wheeler
I think I left my toob in the truck.

Anyone wanna toob this weekend?

The Guadalupe River is too low for toobing this year.
by Marissa McCottry July 24, 2006
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A penis, schlong, anything relating to a male's... organ.
He had a 7' penis, in other words, a 7 inch toob.
by S October 14, 2004
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