(Student:) **stands up to give a presentation in front of the board**
(Other student:) "Look! His sword is visible!"
by Backward-Drawback June 3, 2021
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Michael Moorcock is an author of fantasy literature that features swords. Think about it.
by T Hizzle May 2, 2005
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1. The act of swordplay with two or more penises; a cockduel.

2. The crossing of urine streams in a fractious manner.
by Franklin McGee May 29, 2004
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The ultimate weapon. Takes true skill to use and best your opponent with. Excellent for close range combat for the bravest and best warriors. Far suppior to the gun which is a pussy weapon for cowards to scared to get in close to their victum. Unlike the gun the sword cannot run out of ammo and will not jam which makes it perfect for multiple attacks in a short time spread or many attacks over longer time spreads.

Takes great skill and time to make effectivly. Many samurai swords had excess of 1,000,000 folds and could slice through a body in a single swing.

Great of slashing, cutting, stabbing, and ultimatly decappitating your enemy.
The ninja waited till his enemy reloaded his gun and attacked while he had to reload.

The samurai was the ultimate warrior and could weild a sword with the grace of a god.
by The Blind Guy March 13, 2009
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A game played in the bathroom or locker room in either a toliet or shower, usually consisting of two guys or more. The object of this game is to fight to the death with streams of piss while also fending off other attacks. Usually death is uncommon as well as defensive moves.
Hey Joe, let's go play swords!

While playing swords, Joe pissed all over my pants. But I got him in the face.
by that one motherfucker October 18, 2004
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A sharp cutting, stabbing, or cutting and stabbing weapon used in warfare since ancient times. Usually consists of a hilt and a blade.
Katanas, or Japanese long swords, when properly made, were able to cut through the necks of three convicts or slaves in one strike.
by Aragorn Elfstone October 20, 2004
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