Medical term for the condition of an individual that has had a Full Frontal Lobotomy
Did you hear about Dave? They took the front of his brain out, now he's a Sean Hannity
by Glen Beck Himself November 8, 2009
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To ban someone from your site or area if they disagree with you or pose any threat to your fear-induced society built upon using God's name to discriminate against homosexuals, African Americans, and anyone who is different from you in general.
Sean Hannity him already, he's a God damn liberal!

Don't let them Sean Hannity me!
by Dan Drucker July 6, 2004
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1. A founder of the tea bag party.
2. A pompous little turkey-necked Mr. Slave masochist who tosses salad for skinheads and gives great, sloppy dittohead.
Sean Hannity: "Heil Hitler is my safe word."
by theconcernedcitizen August 9, 2009
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1. to be so full of neo con bullshit that your sense of shame no longer functions.
2. to lack what is known as 'logic'
3. to report exactly what the puppetmaster demands.
4. to toss carl rove's salad
1.'wow this is a hannity of a show!'
2.'iraq is harboring WMDS'(a hannity)
3.'haliburton, unicol, and united defense have nothing to do with cheney and the bush family'
4.'i had to hannity rove's in prison'
by bob March 11, 2005
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In addition to tossing karl rove's salad, he wears green tampons and has a soggy vagina. Plus he's full of conservative horse shit and used toilet paper. Plus, he loves our soldiers, but when he got a chance to serve for this great country, he stayed at home and wacked off to pictures of Oliver North and Ronald Reagan. I wonder how he knows the definition of "fisting."
I saw Sean Hannity last night on Miracle Mile picking up a fat swamp donkey who looked like Ann Coulter.
by Jigga J March 18, 2005
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He simply works for the New World Order. His job, and Rush Limbaugh's, is to keep the conservative right so confused and angry that they can't see the real enemy. They rail about the superfiscial difference between Democrats and Republicans so we can't come together as a nation. And what's works. Ok that's not a definition. So sue me.
Sean Hannityy (Rush Limbaugh want-to-be traitor)
by SS396 November 9, 2006
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