Its a gesture used by raising up the right hand with a straighten hand. Usually the people doing would yell HEIL HITLER!
John : Who is your lord and savior, mines jesus
Mac : Hitler *does gesture* Heil hitler! Command of the third reich
Mac : Hitler *does gesture* Heil hitler! Command of the third reich
by Akarussian November 6, 2014
What the standard greeting was changed to in Germany during WW2 to make everyone seem like a Nazi supporter.
by YoyoEeveeQueen March 20, 2022
When you sit down on your knee and do the heil hitler. But with the forward hand, you're holding the hair of the your girl with your meat in her pussy. Similar to doggy style, but with a new twist. Recommended to patriotic people.
I found an amazing position to try tonight!
Which one?
Half heil hitler. It'll give us a feeling of complete World War 2 on the bed
Which one?
Half heil hitler. It'll give us a feeling of complete World War 2 on the bed
by aint_david May 10, 2021
Last night i got really bored on the toilet, soo before i was done i called my girlfriend in and surprised her with a Heil Hitler Mustache...
by stephenog August 24, 2010
Johnny: Get on your knees and Heil my Hitler bitch!
Sally: No! You can't make me you Nazi son of a bitch!
Sally: No! You can't make me you Nazi son of a bitch!
by ZeroDesert June 2, 2009