When 2 lovers are engaged in "69" fornication the top partner pisses into the bottom partners mouth to "waterboard" them for information
I Seal Team 69'ed Sharon last night til she told me where she hid the Oreos.
by Seal Team 69 March 14, 2018
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When someone does something very stealthily, similar to the mission that took down Osama bin Laden.
Guy 1: (sneaking up behind Guy 2 to tackle him, and then tackles him)
Guy 2: 'Oh man bro you totally just pulled a seal team six on me. I didn't even hear you behind me.'
by mayxday May 30, 2011
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(v): to go ballistic on, get crazy with, destroy, or be a general badass
man, i brought that chick home last night and went SEAL team Six on her ass" or "man, that chicken head got so slobbery on my knob that I Seal Team Sixed her right in the face!" or "my car broke down for the last time, I'm gonna go SEAL Team Six on that shit!
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They are both the most intelligent and moronic squad to walk the earth.
Seal Team Six is a squad of oxymorons.
by PineappleJuice March 1, 2015
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While banging a girl from behind, you whisper her name until she turns her head towards you, and then you pull out and blast her twice in the face. For dramatic effect, you might even yell "Geronimo" afterwards.
Kyle's high school crush played hard to get for nearly 10 years, but he finally Seal Team Sixed her last weekend.
by frankfantasia September 5, 2014
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69% of a Smirnoff Ice Bottle, then add Coors Light.
I can’t wait to get back to the Lodge and drink a Seal Team 69!
by Auggie ST69 December 24, 2019
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