Hobbes, a seemingly gentle soul with a heart of gold, dedicated his days to the noble art of moderating Twitch chat and Discord communities. His commitment to fostering respectful and welcoming online spaces earned him a reputation as a true digital guardian. But beneath his kind exterior lay a complex individual with multifaceted interests. He was an avid RuneScape player, navigating the mystical lands of Gielinor with a passion that mirrored his dedication to moderation. His reserved nature made him an enigmatic presence, always lurking in the background, ready to intervene when needed. However, there was one intriguing aspect of Hobbes that he kept well-hidden from the online world: his secret yearning for something more.

Amidst his loyalty to Tim "Sparc Mac," a prominent RuneScape figure, Hobbes concealed a deep-seated jealousy. Tim's close friendship with Whitney, a fellow content creator, stirred feelings of longing within him. While he valued Tim as a friend and mentor, Hobbes couldn't help but envy the genuine connection that Tim and Whitney shared. He watched from the sidelines as their camaraderie blossomed, occasionally using his witty humor to hide the pangs of jealousy that gnawed at his heart. In this complex digital world where emotions intertwined with virtual personas, Hobbes embodied a sweet and gentle enigma, navigating the turbulent waters of friendship, loyalty, and desire.
When I think of a discord sweetheart, Hobbes comes to mind.
by SparcMac Discord September 6, 2023
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The most kickass comic series ever written! Bill Watterson is my home dog!
Calvin:Mom's not feeling well, so I'm going to make her a get well card.
Hobbes:That's thoughtful of you
Calvin:See, on the front it says 'Get well soon, and on the inside it says because my bed isn't made, my clothes need to be put away, and I'm hungry. Love Calvin.' Want to sign it?
Hobbes:Sure, I'm hungry too.
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The last throwback to the days of Little Nemo... the artsiest of the artsy... quite simply the greatest comic of the last twenty-five years.
by Brian X July 2, 2003
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1. An individual who cowers from a challenge knowing they will likely lose.

2. Someone who discriminates on the basis of race and sex; often occurring more than once.
Ex. 1: Stop being a chicken, you’re really acting like a Katie Hobbs.

Ex. 2: Wow, Katie Hobbs, you’re dissing my boy ‘cause he’s black?
by Talonya Adams September 29, 2022
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Kickass monster fixated, transmorgifier time travel machine, boy and imaginary tuna-loving tiger adventures with most excellent art from Bill Waterson's brain.
"You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help."
by dj_monged September 2, 2004
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a six year old with a huge vocabulary and the coolest tiger ever for a best friend! THE BEST COMICS IN THE WORLD!!
They got to see an ant elpope
by chello March 25, 2005
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