28 definitions by Cam

The greatest music writer ever who hated fame and the rock style life but without him we would be listening to some crap music, people buy nirvanas CD's listen and they will connect with you somehow, On April 5 94 he was MURDERED, the stupid cops close the investigation after three days so we couldnt acctually find out but next april 5 there is please pay ur respects
If people say theres only one wise man he was it.
Smells like teen spirit is the single handily the greatest song in the world listen to it urself and buy the box set i did
by Cam March 30, 2005
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Best hardcore band ever. Not a screamo, emo, punk, pop-punk, indie, ska, hard rock, or metal band. Real hardcore. Since they are so great, this word can be used as an adjective to describe anything that is that awesome.
That chick is so poisonthewell, I need to get a piece of that right now.
by Cam April 27, 2004
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Shai Hulud is a fucking HARDCORE band... douche wad.
"Shai Hulud is the greatest fucking HARDCORE band.... and you're still a douche wad."
by Cam January 17, 2005
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sugar-coated way to say motherf*cker!!
"I'm hungrier than a monjiggy"
"you a dumb monjiggy"
by Cam May 6, 2005
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an individual who tries to get ahead in life by performing difficult and self-depricating tasks, but often to no avail.
You would've thought Jill could've gotten that job given all the dick she sucks. What a mountain climber.
by Cam April 13, 2005
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