Sack chasing dirty butt a hoe that does sexual favors for dope and follows the dope man around
There's that sack chasing dirty butt sucking dick while riding with the man
by Sycoe163 August 1, 2016
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When a bi male takes a load from a man then has relations with a woman and she gets pregnant.
Did you hear Jess had Scott's dirty butt baby? Brad was the sperm donor.
by zedd December 26, 2022
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Usually a female, Who has been around the block a few times, and their butts are dirty
by Emmmamama October 19, 2020
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I person that engages in reckless sexual behavior without being sanitary.
Bre is acting like such a dirty butt not showering after having that train ran on her.
by The Araamda Heroes June 27, 2020
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Originally used being facetious meaning a guy/girl that is carelessly slutty; a person likely to bang someones significant other, knowing they're in a relationship already, showing no sympathy or remorse for who or what it effects; a person likely to have slept with everybody in the area or clik, usually found to be untrustworthy and sneaky
Did you see lusia earlier? She's such a dirty-butt! You can't believe a word that cums out her mouth! Is there anyone around she hasn't screwed already?
by The original DB (clairebear) December 6, 2022
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