When something is dumped in front of you.
I will just use whatever is plonked in front of me.
by altm8511 January 16, 2012
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The process of providing oral sex on a man's penis whilst he is on the lavoratory excreting faeces.
Jane (or Fred) was plonking George last night
by pidgey November 27, 2004
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Staying in bed for an extended or exaggerated amount of time; sleeping, watching movies, or cuddling with a partner, or a group.
I feel so lazy, I plonked for 5 hours before deciding to do my laundry.
by Jack_Mier April 3, 2014
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When a person attempts to insert a flaccid penis during sex.
"That guy was terrible! He was too drunk and tried to plonk me"
by Butherface April 25, 2016
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A bad photo with no redeeming features.

Can be used as a verb to mean taking a photo with zero effort or thought behind it.
"Wow, I can't believe that plonk got so many upvotes on r/analog."

"Yeah, they really plonked that one."
by skilletzzz November 20, 2018
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an insult you say to someone when you're messing around. Less harsh than "you idiot" or "you fuckhead."
You plonk.
by bread infection November 25, 2009
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British colloquial term for wine. Generally used to refer to cheap or lower quality wines.
What shall we order? Shall we just cheap-out and get the plonk?
by Kit N May 7, 2017
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