348 definitions by bread infection

I hate my fackin life. YEA BOOYY I love gage!
by bread infection December 5, 2009
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someone who sticks their fingers up peoples arses
Doctors who specialize in the bowel area, or sickos like rugby player John Hopoate~brown fingers
by bread infection October 23, 2005
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I'm so grrrrr, I'm a slut.
by bread infection November 8, 2005
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a man or boy whose testis are nonfunctioning or have been removed.
Brian Holmes can't get his junk hard for Alison because he has a eunuch.
by bread infection October 26, 2005
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That's not any type of soap, that's $oap
by bread infection October 22, 2005
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Two males of any species sword fighting with streams of urine at the same urinal /commode /tree /bush /prairie /firehydrant/or on Alison
1.Ryan defeated Chris with duelpissing
2.Brian Holmes the Antelope and Chris McPeters the skunk duelpised on Alison's funt
by bread infection October 25, 2005
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