A certain individual that has a thing for one night stands with girls/guys in relationships.
Guy1: "Hey, doesn't Stacey have a boyfriend..?"
Guy2: "Yeah, why?"
Guy1: "You were making out with her in the corner for like 2 hours. You're such a Cut Lunch Commando."
Guy2: "Heh. Yeah."
by Envyeff June 13, 2010
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Backstabbing bunch of noobs who couldnt fight there way out of a wet paper bag. Should all be kicked in the bollocks and fed to the pigs
retards noobs cunts indescribably annoying bunch of pricks
by Blah November 21, 2004
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Person who plays militaristic fps all day while giving quotes on ranges of guns and whats possible in real life in military situations when he has not been in any military service. Couch commandos are usually very obese.
When I was playing online and complained about someone shooting me across the map the "couch commando know it all" than said it was possible and gave me the ballistics maximum range under a controlled environment and than said see its possible.
by ralphieG June 18, 2012
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The sequal to the best platform game ever made- Ratchet and Clank.
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando is a lot harder then the first one.
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 23, 2003
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The name of the anime series starring a boy who meets a guy named Masarusan, who has a fighting style called, "The Sexy Commando".
To do the Sexy Commando, Masarusan unzips his pants (That's right kiddies) to distract the opponent. Then, he goes at them, violently attacking them with his fist. Sometimes he likes to gross his opponent out by having pigeons fly out of his pants.
by Alexi December 23, 2003
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The act of forcing oneself to defecate, even though one doesn't require to defecate. Usually used to make room in the stomach so one can eat more.
Bob was so full at the Chinese buffet that he went to the toilet to Squeeze one out like a commando to make room for dessert.
by Frempt November 25, 2009
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It does not refer to going without underwear. It's a bit more earthy than that. Underwear soils, an errant leak, a juicy fart, happens to everyone. Going commando refers to taking the soiled underwear, turning it inside out, and putting it back on. Not ideal, but better than the alternative when you are the field.

Think about it -- what special ops guy wants a piece of heavy nylon / kylar reinforced fabric rubbing his privates? Even commandos like to have their balls cupped by cotton. ;)
On the fourth day, I was going commando.
by Jetaway Dave August 21, 2023
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