39 definitions by PaulJar the Pornostar
The new cd in stores from the distillers. They totally kick ass, and the album is ok, but the first song: Drain the Blood is tha shiz.
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 19, 2003
1. The religion where, since there is no god, your skateboard becomes your god, and will bend at your will. To become a skateist you must put all of your efforts into skateboarding, devote your life to pissing off pedestrians, comitting vandalism and tresspassing, and beating the crap out of roller bladers and bikers. Also known as skateology and skateianity.
"Skateboarding is my life, so therefor I commit my servence to my skateboard and will never give up on it."
"You are now a skateist of the all powerful skateism. Let me bless your skateboard with my holy urine."
"You are now a skateist of the all powerful skateism. Let me bless your skateboard with my holy urine."
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 23, 2003
That was gnarly sick bro!
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 18, 2003
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 18, 2003
1. very cool
2. Totally kick ass.
3. The term used when someone lands an impressive trick/move/goal in any game.
2. Totally kick ass.
3. The term used when someone lands an impressive trick/move/goal in any game.
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 11, 2003
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 18, 2003
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 16, 2003