164 definitions by Blah

Often used to describe someone who is awesome, insane, cool, 1337, loveable, sexy, and hates ratsex
OMG OMG dued, yuo are liek, sooooo Cless right now maen!!!
by Blah August 29, 2003
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The coolest girl in the whole world. Often named caitlin. She is amazingly beautiful, smart, cool and her sister is nice too. Eveyone loves someone who is a pudgyhead.
Caitlin is SUCH a pudgyhead.
by Blah November 28, 2003
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albin, is a cool guy, who enjoys watching sunsets, drinking dr. pepper, drugs are bad
Hey, person, your very cool, so your a albin
by Blah August 27, 2004
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1.)an otherwise uninhabital state if it weren't for the invention of the air conditioner

2.)We're california's unwillingly go to die

3.)sand trap where immigrants and people in general get lost in search of california
1.)my AC broke ahhh! *Catches on fire*

2.)what! this isn't the way to vegas *catches on fire*

2.)this isn't california *catches on fire*
by Blah November 14, 2004
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a brilliant composer, made music out of no instruments or voice, realized that music is so much bigger than the artist, that it can be found everywhere.
John Cage is a brilliant composer, as much a punk rock icon as Sid Vicious or Patty Smith, not because of his style of music but because he bucked the system the way no one else could.
by Blah December 31, 2005
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