Things that other people have said. The original author is usually not given credit for saying it first. Quotes are nice to say in front of friends and acquaintances to impress them and make them think you are funny and intelligent.
by libertykillingconservatives February 6, 2005
I mishearing of quote, unquote when a person is usually quoting someone else’s phrase or saying something unsurely or in a sarcastic manner
Person 1: I heard that so-and-so had a quote-on-quote “illness” yesterday
Person 2: uhhh, don’tcha mean “quote, unquote?”
Person 1: sure, whatever
Person 2: uhhh, don’tcha mean “quote, unquote?”
Person 1: sure, whatever
by buddy...not.the.elf. December 22, 2022
When people who are either inept with the English language or stupid hear the phrase "quote unquote" and construe it as quote on quote.
by nayho July 21, 2014
A quote is a word, phrase or sentence that you add to a conversation/essay but is not of your creation, but someone else's.
by you wouldn't care September 5, 2005
by Bammit May 22, 2009
To gain status in a gang. Sometimes used as a means to challenge another member with higher status(OG).
by Shnar September 16, 2006
If life was like a Bollywood movie, we would be 2 dance sequences and an item number away from marriage.
by beastrrk March 12, 2012