when someone prefers people who blindly follow them over those that have issues with them
The way Trump surrounds himself with yes men and lays into his critics, it's obvious he prefers mutton over beef.
by kurohi42 September 15, 2020
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Spoiled beyond having an attitude, sense of entitlement, or laziness, outspoiling, expecting to be rich and in charge of everything, mollycoddling.
He/she had always been over indulged beyond some of the other people he/she called spoiled hypocrites with double standards.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2019
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Spoiled beyond laziness, a sense of entitlement, or having an attitude. Expecting to drive expensive cars, live in expensive homes, live an expensive, indulgent lifestyle. Mollycoddled your whole life.
Lindsay had always been over indulged, so anything less than what she thought she deserved (the top of the hill) was not to be settled for.
by Solid Mantis November 7, 2019
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Term used when a person wants to break up or end the relationship with another person.
John and I have been having a lot of problems lately. I think I’m gonnna invite him to come over and do laundry tonight.
by Pilsenbro13 January 7, 2018
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Eg boondocks , song by Gangstalicious ,hommies ova hoes , in shakesperean english 'brethren over wenches'
by Yellowman October 7, 2013
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When you and a buddy are double teaming a woman and you have an arm wrestling match on her back.
Rat and Darron took a girl home from the bar last night and proceeded to pull the Over the top with her! Who won? Darron of course!
by August 26, 2022
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