The small state on the north east coast of the United States commonly refered to as New Jersey.
I had to drive through Hell yesterday.
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The place where fags that sell various online gaming items such as: anis,runes and other items will end up.
Simon will goto hell because he sells d2 items.

Quote from jake.
"Enjoy hell Simon, you dirty whore."
by Jakeispro February 1, 2007
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Hell is a place where our "souls" will be tortured for eternity. However, torture is the practice of inducing large amounts of pain and pain is simply electrical impulses traveling along nerves in our body where they are interpreted in the brain as pain, so pain is something that can only be experienced by a physical being. Luckily, our "Souls" don't have nerves or brains so are not susceptible to the feeling of pain.
We will all be dead before we get the chance to experience hell.
by CharlieW5025 August 19, 2008
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I went to hell last night. I wish I had burned up instead.
by NARPAS SWORD March 21, 2009
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when you're grounded on a friday night and your little sister has like 60 of her extremely loud friends over.
I'm in total Hell right now. I can't do anything but sit in my room and post to Urban Dictionary.
by whoa_its_soph March 12, 2011
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A place where children go to die AKA school
I'll see you after hell.....I mean school........
by Dr. Derptato March 21, 2015
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Hell is where no one has nothing and nothing is well... (Ian Anderson)
Hell=Leningrad, 1980 - imagine what!...
by Tegustapor Elculo March 31, 2011
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