A term of endearment, especially for one's wife.
Husband: Pancakes, you are simply the best wife ever!

Wife: aww Husband faces

by Husbands June 5, 2007
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Mostly sex from someone's mom.
You mom makes good pancakes.
by chelster August 15, 2007
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1: When a woman, literally or metaphorically, castrates a man. Taken from the act of having your testicles run over with a steam roller. Also known as the "double pancake".
2: Henpecked
"That steam roller pancaked my nuts! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
"Poor pancaked fool. She's dragging him to that Jennifer Aniston movie."
by ks6621 June 5, 2006
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The new lunch meat, when your DAD is too cheap and selfish to buy food for his family.
Sorry kids, your dad won't buy food for us so I made you a pancake rolled up with butter and sugar.

Enjoy your pancake lunch in the bathroom stall at school kids!
by Saralaur August 26, 2006
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Flat, round, non-perky female breast that when the girl is laying down or sitting back, actually look very similar to pancakes.
DudeA: How was it last night? You get lucky?
DudeB: Yeah but the chick had fucking pancakes!!
by KillTheWhales August 11, 2009
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1) antithesis of waffle
2) sad excuse for breakfast
3) inedible flap of ewww
WTF is your problem? Why the hell would you eat that pancake when there are waffles right there! Next time I catch you with a pancake your gonna get a heaping helping of unbridled rage.
by Juancho September 21, 2006
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