Something that started as a small issue but snowballed into something big.
Origin: Goncharov. Iykyk.
Person A: We broke up again.
Person B: Let me guess, over the burnt brownies from last week?
Person A: Talk about starting with a shoe...
by inrmn November 24, 2022
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Indestructible shoes shield our feet from the mysterious substances that inhabit frat house floors and the endless hordes of strangers stepping on our toes. Their exclusive purpose is to be beaten, abused, and soiled by us and other blacked out college students. When push comes to shove, everyone needs a sturdy pair of shoes to carry them through the lawless land that is a college party and back home when the night comes to an end.
Claire: what should i wear tonight to sigma kappa lamda?
Friend: doesn't really matter, as long as you have your frat shoes on to protect your feet.
by sheriff sprinkles November 16, 2017
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A quote from Romeo & Juliet, today used to evoke anger and love in the recepient of this well known phrase.
Bill: The shoe is on the floor!
by Chris Spargo March 5, 2008
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Some joke someone came up with that’s a nickname for Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa V3:Killing Harmony that people use a lot and it’s actually funny
“Kæyædæ and her boyfriend shoe itchy
by MisakiiChan March 15, 2021
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Show Sleading is when you decide to be a complete and utter moron (like us) and decided to grab onto the bumper of a car as it goes down a icy street and hold your body up with your feet/shoes. If you use milk shoes you tend to go slightly smoother.
Derek: Hey guys, lets go shoe sleeding.
Kody: Hell Yeah!
Matt: Fuck No, last time you guys knocked me off into that truck.
by Matt and Kody and Derek January 13, 2005
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A specific pair of shoes (usually loafers) that one puts on when shit's gonna get real.
Mike: Holy cow!, John just put on his buttfucking shoes!!
Jason: Well, I guess Lisa better get ready for some anal action!
by Thegundy April 14, 2022
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Throwing a stray shoe found on the street at a moving car which later turns out to be a undercover cop.
-How did she get a ticket last night?
-She pulled a flaming shoe man!!
by lkdasjflkajsd November 1, 2010
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