by jkane December 22, 2004
Man 1 "Ah my dick hurts man" Man 2 "Why? what happened?" Man 1 "Me and Jessica were horse shoeing last night and let's just say she's good at it"
by Dildo McPoopenstein November 29, 2011
by holi64 July 11, 2008
Ninja-type action, two rivals facing each other sprinting attack in which one fighter leaps into the air forming his entire being into a human shaped horse shoe. Aiming the center of the horse shoe at the opponents neck with a smooth roll out to finish the move. (paralysis is a possibility)
by thumpcityslammer April 17, 2011
by JOHNSON October 16, 2003
When doing a dirty partner in Public lavatory. You'll be wearing a condom so you pull out, do lap around toilet seat and put it back in.
by liquidswords81 December 12, 2013
A male that has his lips firmly secured around a donkeys dick. While preforming magic at a children's birthday party.
by mikeg101 May 14, 2008