a man a great intellect tron is strong handsome smart and skilled at everything for instance tron shit on Dont-Test-sped56
that man is very tron
by Trron5365 April 30, 2023
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(Noun) a reverse snort, as when laughing; (verb) to reverse snort
Megan tronsed so hard when she saw Max’s micropenis.
by Flamingle69 November 21, 2020
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A woman that's cappin all the time; female cappin strong!
Darlene is always cappin; she's a Queen-cappa-tron.
by Khristian Afermi June 18, 2022
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To leave a movie before it's done due to boredom.
ex. 1 - I'm totally pulling a Tron; this movie sucks.

ex. 2 - They totally pulled a Tron on the original Tron, but they love the new remake!
by bunnykissd December 15, 2010
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This word shall only be used when thy friend(s) being worse than Goofy. They are a Goof-a-tron 3000
"Cornelius is such a Goof-a-tron 3000, he literally just blew a 21 point lead!"
by The Mister Mister Bara-Capy December 16, 2022
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When you're talking about Jimmy Neutron, but you also want to be sexy.
*aggressively grabs balls* Don't worry, I'll make you nut-tron tonight.
by wetspot69 September 26, 2021
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the process of taking empty pill capsules, filling them with mdma, rubbing honey over the capsule, then rolling the honey glazed capsule over powdered mdma.
i popped a ripping tron last night, bitter but sweet, so sweet i had to pop another
by thetronspeaks April 10, 2011
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