Derived from the famous ghetto reporter video on youtube. Syndrome where something angers you and and you talk mad trash (including some reference to drugs or ghetto-fabulous terms is a plus) against the thing that angered you.
Chris: Fuck that bitch ass cock sucking broke titty mother fucking swine flu bitches tearing up my immune system! After consuming fuck-tons of Vitamin C, my white blood cells were fucking strapped like Rambo and royally tore the shit out of those crack smoking baking soda snorting cock sucking punk bitch ass swine flu fucktards!

Josh: Wow, the ghetto reporter syndrome. I feel your pain bro.
by SnakeBiter October 30, 2009
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An instant weather report is a THO
If you hold ice cubes to her nipples you get an instant weather report.
by erotica69 September 16, 2005
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When your in a relationship and you two are arguing, the time that some says, "hold on let's get on the same page"
This can be resolved with a book report
by Ajay Graham September 26, 2007
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Reporting copyright infringements

As required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), Pub. L. 105-304, Urban Dictionary has designated an agent to receive notification of alleged copyright infringement occurring in the domain.
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The Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires that all infringement claims must be in writing and must include the following information:
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HEY HEY HEY Reporting copyright infringements SAYNUNDKMSSNSNMW
by Α February 3, 2022
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When an Autopsy Report has been updated,
This was poked fun at in Ace Attorney,
Please tell me (Defence name) when did you obtain that autopsy report?
Uhhh a day before the tria-
-Miles Edgeworth
by A fucking loli June 10, 2022
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In Pennsyl-tucky, denizens, often impoverished, indigent, shiftless, or simply apathetic, must resort to near neolithic forms of obtaining information, such as the weather.

Also may refer to any simplistic method of obtaining something, information or otherwise, rather than performing an actual event involving even minimal effort.
(In the heart of State College, Pennsylvania's intellectual cortex)
Ryan- What's the weather like today?
Jeff- Dunno, I'll get the Pennsylvania weather report
~Jeff leans out the window, sees Mike~
Jeff- Mike, what's the weather like?
Mike- (shrugs) Kinda chilly
by Sanduskied October 15, 2012
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When someone’s suggested videos self report on you what type of videos they’ve been previously watching.
This Anti Vax video was on your For You page? Algorithm self report my dude.
by FrickDaPoPo October 3, 2021
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