A courtroom/crime drama series by Capcom which started in Japan in 2001 as a GameBoy Advance game called Gyakuten Saiban. More commonly identified by its rather popular titular character, Phoenix Wright. You basically have to investigate every crime, with some interesting/annoying characters along the way then battle it out in the courtroom with prosecutors who are German or arrogant as f***. Also, 3 of the games have the assistants underage for no goddamn reason. Has currently 5 games released in the US, 7 in Japan (not including one spinoff) and one announced for both regions. Has a crapton of Mangas and Artbooks. Also has quite the supply of rabid fangirls who are guaranteed to ship every two characters in the series together. ALL OF THEM. Their fans are dedicated to the series, to the point that when the main character changed for once most of them were so angry Phoenix Wright had to get back. Also, has many ask roleplay blogs on Tumblr.
Titular Characters: Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, Miles Edgeworth
Titular Characters: Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, Miles Edgeworth
Person 1: OBJECTION!
Person 2: SHUT UP.
Fangirl: EDGEWORTH!!!!111one!!! *faints*
Fan: Guys, the new Ace Attorney game has Phoenix Wright again!
Other Fans: YESSSSSS!!!
*insert Tumblr here*
Person 1: OBJECTION!
Person 2: SHUT UP.
Fangirl: EDGEWORTH!!!!111one!!! *faints*
Fan: Guys, the new Ace Attorney game has Phoenix Wright again!
Other Fans: YESSSSSS!!!
*insert Tumblr here*
by Donnman March 18, 2013
funny lawyer game. The main character is an amateur defense lawyer who Bluffs every 0.2 seconds and he can beat prosecutors with year long winning streaks with his teenage spirit medium assistant that's obsessed with hamburgers. Also people ship phoenix and edgeworth
by c.yan May 17, 2022
by Memory_001 June 27, 2021
The worst, least funny subreddit and/or discord server to ever be real
Hi, your post has been removed. If you're wondering why this is, there's a few possibilities. First, please make sure to read the stickied post on what qualifies as a 'jerk' -- your submission should either be ironic in some way or make fun of the main subreddit somehow. If it does neither of these, we reserve the right to remove your post at any time. If your post was very low effort (i.e. an unedited screenshot or picture of the game), this is likely why it was removed. While your post was deemed inappropriate for this subreddit, please feel free to post any memes over in /r/AceAttorneyMemes, which is much less selective in regards to submission content.
Hi, your post has been removed. If you're wondering why this is, there's a few possibilities. First, please make sure to read the stickied post on what qualifies as a 'jerk' -- your submission should either be ironic in some way or make fun of the main subreddit somehow. If it does neither of these, we reserve the right to remove your post at any time. If your post was very low effort (i.e. an unedited screenshot or picture of the game), this is likely why it was removed. While your post was deemed inappropriate for this subreddit, please feel free to post any memes over in /r/AceAttorneyMemes, which is much less selective in regards to submission content.
by Pidgeomn January 3, 2023
by Deathslostlove February 3, 2023